Moon Magick

As one of the most important astrological bodies to the earth, the moon has a profound influence on us physically, emotionally, spiritually, and magically. Working with the moon's energy increases our personal power and helps support our intention. Just celebrating the phases of the moon can also have a profound effect on our spirituality.

While there have been male gods associated with the moon, more often the moon is associated with the divine feminine, as she is cyclical like women, and represents stages of their lives: Waxing/Maiden, Full/Mother, and Waning/Crone.

The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magical workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

The Moon Phases & Magical Timing

New Moon: The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings, new love, romance, health, or a new job. New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after.

Waxing Moon: The waxing moon is typically used for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck, or health. Waxing moon workings can be done from seven to fourteen days after the new moon.

Full Moon: The full moon is an ideal time to solidify plans, passions, and projects. It is a prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, and divination. Any work that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Full Moon magick can be done from fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon.

Waning Moon: The waning moon is a perfect time for banishing addictions, unhealthy habits, illness, obstacles, unwanted situations, people, and negativity. It is often used for spiritual cleansing and clearing mental blocks. Waning Moon magick can be done from three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.

Dark Moon: The dark moon is a time for dealing with attackers, exploring our darkest recesses, shadow work, bringing justice, as well as understanding our anger, and passions. Dark Moon magick can be done from ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon.

Note: The three nights before the New Moon are known as the Dark of the Moon. It is believed by some that energy is uncertain and unpredictable during this time. Casting spells in this period is not typically advised for a novice. However, it is an amazing time for divination!

The Zodiac & Magical Timing

The moon travels through the different astrological signs, just as the sun does, only more rapidly. When the moon resides within the various signs, that sign influences the magical aspect of the moon.

Moon in Aries: Magick involving ambition, authority, self-focus, motivation, courage, independence, leadership, self-discovery, action, assertiveness, competition, directness, direction, exploration, vigilance, boldness, autonomy, self-reliance, promotion, willpower, new beginnings, and rebirth. 

Moon in Taurus: Magick involving sensual pleasure, love, contentment, perseverance, patience, self-worth, material comforts, possessions, tactile enjoyment, gratitude, rapport with nature, contentment, physical pleasures, the senses, satisfaction, persistence, progression, solid foundation, dependability, strong values, setting boundaries, real estate, and money. 

Moon in Gemini: Magick involving learning, education, logic, social ease, cleverness, positivity, transportation, factual information, formal education, the internet, curiosity, writing, speaking, understanding different opinions, ingenuity, quick thinking, wittiness, communication, public relations, and travel. 

Moon in Cancer: Magick involving domestic life, home, safety, growing, intimacy, healing, feelings, nurturing, family, security, protection, training, practice, empathy, vulnerability, sensitivity, and honoring lunar deities.

Moon in Leo: Magick involving creativity, generosity, dignity, determination, power, courage, love, romance, children, intense love, sexuality, instincts, enthusiasm, creative projects, self-expression, artistic expression, kindness, encouragement, fun, parties, recognition, self-confidence, radiance, drama, stamina leadership, strength of purpose, loyalty, and childbirth.

Moon in Virgo: Magick involving employment matters, work, job, efficiency, diet, exercise, weight control, healing, good health habits, work projects, tasks, structure, routines, orderly environments, punctuality, focus, critical thinking, organization, order, helpfulness, practicality, purity of intent, service, conscientiousness, health, and intellectual matters.

Moon in Libra: Magick involving court cases, marriage, harmony, teamwork, sociability, diplomacy, refinement, sharing, interdependence, balance, equality, diversity, negotiation, partnerships, peace, beauty, art, decorations, cooperation, collaboration, supportive relationships, teamwork, duality, harmony, companionship, and artistic matters.

Moon in Scorpio: Magick involving secrets, empowerment, change crisis skills, self-mastery, sex, soulmates, financial partnerships, charisma, psychology, politics, awareness of others, transformation, grief work, change, sexuality, passion, debs, grants, inheritances, closure, rebirth, and psychic growth.

Moon in Sagittarius: Magick involving publications, honesty, travel, freedom, adventure, legal issues, faith, optimism, philosophy, activity, competition, problem-solving, spirituality, direct communication, connection to nature, intuition, spontaneity, exploration, ethics, morality, conscience, court proceedings, good fortune, and friendliness.

Moon in Capricorn: Magick involving future security, goals, responsibility, time management, maturity, retirement, old age, self-discipline, commitments, public image, ambition, success, delegating, fatherhood, tradition, reputation, hard work, accomplishment, recognition, social status, achievement, career, politics, and ambition. 

Moon in Aquarius: Spells involving science, freedom, personal expression, inventiveness, humanitarianism, optimism, adventure, travel, humor friendships, ideas, innovation, trendsetting, objectivity, knowledge, divination, dreams, meditation, dreams, networking, openness, forthrightness, technology, problem-solving, and friendship.

Moon in Pisces: Magick involving imagination, mystic awareness, spiritual healing, music, telepathy, compassion, trust, sleep, divinations, dream work, love, unity, health, beauty, healing, universal love, emotions, meditation, yoga, inner peace, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, and clairvoyance.


The Magical Month of February


The Magical Pantry